Our Mission Statement

Through outreach to the surrounding areas, MOPS OF ENTERPRISE is committed to creating a warm, inclusive and nurturing environment where moms come together regardless of their faith, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background to encourage one another to relax, regroup and be refreshed through the love of other mothers and grow in their relationship with God, themselves, their family, and their community. All the while, confident that their young children are nurtured and well cared for by loving church staff and volunteers.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May: PJ Party!!!

What better way to end the MOPS year than by having a PJ party!  Everyone came dressed in their comfy jammies to enjoy a fun filled day of food, fellowship and friends.  As always we started off eating our yummy food brought in by our ladies.  As we ate we enjoyed a slideshow of pictures of what our children had done in MOPPETS over the past year.

Next, Jennifer lead us in a game of, "Stand up if you...".  For example, the ladies were asked to stand  if they had lived in 5 or more states, had been in labor for more 24 hrs, etc.  The last lady standing for each question won a prize.
Some of the ladies and their prizes

To burn off all of the delicious food we just ate, Andrea lead us in a Scavenger Hunt.  With clues in hand, each table headed out around the church campus to find more clues which lead them to a baby doll needing a clean diaper.  The first table to finish won prizes.  It was a great cardio workout and so much fun!

After all the excitement, we all settled down for pop corn and a movie.  Nicole Johnson's "Case of the Missing Mind" hit close to home for us moms who often feel like we have lost our minds as we strive to get through each day.

We ended the meeting with discussion questions and testimonies from the room.  We were all touched by those who stood up to speak on how this year of MOPS has impacted their lives.

It truly has been an awesome year of MOPS.  Watch for e-mail updates over they summer with all of the details for our new year that starts in August.  Have a great summer!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

April: Expert Panel

Have I mentioned lately how awesome our MOPS are?  Well if I haven't said it before then I will say it now.  Our ladies are wonderful!!!  Check out all of the donations our ladies brought in for the people of Rainsville, Alabama after the devastating  tornadoes.

Our meeting started out a little differently than normal, but our ladies pitched in where needed and made it happen.  Once we were settled into our new location we began the meeting starting with a prayer and eating all of the delicious food that was brought in.

The tastiest treat was awarded to Emily Valencia, who brought in yummy surprise cupcakes.  While eating, we enjoyed a quick game of "You know you' re a MOPS mom when..." and then welcomed the our Expert Panel.

As always, many wonderful questions were asked and answered by our expert Family Practice Physician, Speech Therapist, Counselor, and Nutritionist.  So many times at our appointments with doctors there is just not enough time to get all of our questions answered.  Having the Expert Panel provides the time to get the answers we need.  We are so thankful that they took time out of their busy schedule to come speak to our group.

Next month's meeting will be May 20th and our final for the year.  Don't forget to wear your PJs and get ready for some fun!!!!  Early registration for MOPS 2011-2012 open now.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March: Going Green 101

As parents these days, we not only worry about raising our kids in a nice clean environment, we also have to worry about the environment for the future.  More and more people are living by the motto, Recycle, Reuse, Reduce.  With "Earth Day" celebrated on March 13th every year we thought March was the perfect month to focus our attention on ways we can go green.

We started off with yummy food while Kelly introduced our theme.  To demonstrate how to reuse everyday items, we had each table pick out used, recyclable items to make a centerpiece.  They had to work with such things as milk jugs, 2 liter bottles, kleenex boxes, cereal boxes and toilet paper rolls just to name a few.  
They were also provided a few decorative items to spice the centerpiece up.  This was not a competition, but these ladies were on a mission and really made something out of nothing. 


 We really do have a creative bunch.

Mary Sue Cain from Alabama Power came by to speak to the group about ways to cut our energy bill and to conserve energy.  She said the number one loss of energy is through your heating and air ducts.  Thanks for all of the great tips Mary Sue.


We rounded out our day with discussion questions and our craft project.  This month's project was planting flower seeds.  I can't wait until my flowers bloom! 

Congratulations to Nicole Goodrich who won the Tastiest Treat for her Fruit Pizza.  In honor of our "Earth" theme, she won a yummy Key Lime cupcake. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

February: Chemistry 101: Marriage & Relationship Enrichment

February's MOPS was all about fun and relationships! The theme was "Chemistry 101:Marriage/Relationship Enrichment".
As always, we started off the morning with great food. Jennifer Harrison was awarded Tastiest Treat with her Orange Coffee Cake. It was delicious!

Each table competed in a game of charades where the table to guess their chosen "Popular Love Song" in the fastest time would win. Congratulations to the "Nursing Dept" as they guessed "Stop in the Name of Love" in an unbelievable one second.
Dr. Michael Mynatt spoke to us about relationships and communication and helped us define the different types of communicators and figure out what kind we are, as well as those in our families. Good stuff Pastor Michael.
We ended the morning with our first ever MOPS "Man Panel". Four brave husbands answered random questions with complete honesty. The questions covered topics from ideal Christmas gifts to expectations about sex. Great job guys and what good sports you were.

We are looking forward to our next MOPS on March 18th!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

January: Health and Fitness

With the start of the new year, our theme for this month was Health and Fitness.  We started off with some announcements about our MOPS Weight Loss Challenge, MOPS Parents' Night out and The Enterprise Jr Women's Club 5K.  After the announcements, we enjoyed the delicious food brought in from our fellow Moms, while Kelly gave us some great tips on how to be a healthier mom.

As Moms, we often put ourselves last but we need to remember to keep healthy so that we can take care our family.  Kelly shared with us some great tips to stay in shape, eat healthy and to make better choices.

To get us all moving, each table competed in a relay race.  All twelve tables lined up four of the ladies from their table to compete.  The first team to finish all challenges won.  Talk about a work out!  These ladies were moving and having fun.

The "Home Economics" table won!  Way to go ladies!!!

Once we had all settled back down into our seats, Liz Sipper touched our hearts with her testimony.

  What a blessing it was to have Liz there to speak to our group.

Our craft this month was making "Boo Boo Bunnies".

The "Boo Boo Bunnies"  will be perfect for our little ones and their Boo Boos.  Just wet them and put them in the freezer.  They will be ready to go when ever the next Boo Boo strikes.  While we were making the "Boo Boo Bunnies",  those participating in the MOPS Weight Loss Challenge come and weigh in.  At our next MOPS Meeting on February 25th, they will weigh in to see who lost the most weight.

We wrapped up the meeting by announcing our newly pregnant moms and announcing the Tastiest Treat winner.  Linda Duhaime won with her Hash brown Casserole.  Congratulations Linda!

Monday, December 20, 2010

December: Making Christmas Add Up to Jesus

This year we wanted to make sure that our December MOPS focused on the reason for the season...Jesus!  As always, we have to start things right with a wonderful selection of homemade casseroles and treats.  These ladies sure know how to cook!!!  While we ate, the Mentor Moms shared some of their favorite Christmas traditions.  From sugar cookies to stockings, they gave us great ideas that we can use with our own families.
Once everyone enjoyed the food and good conversation, we started off with a fun festive game to get everyone laughing.  Each table contributed a pair of ladies to participate.  In front of them sat a box, wrapping paper, tape and scissors.  Each team had to see who could wrap the gift the fastest using only one hand each.  It sure was entertaining to see these ladies get creative and show they really know how to work together to get the job done.

Next we welcomed Cassie Lusker as our guest speaker.  She gave us great tips to Make Christmas add up to Jesus.  Here are some of the great words of wisdom on how we can spend time with God each day.  She also showed us an easy way to focus when we pray.

 1.  Designate a quiet place where you can daily set aside time uninterrupted to spend with    God.
2.  Try to make it the same place and same time every day so you are more likely to make it a daily routine, but strive not to make it a check off the block kind of thing.  Remember God wants to talk to you and wants to hear from you.
3.  Pray to prepare and quiet your heart so you can hear what God wants to say to you.
4.  Pick a book of the Bible and plan to read 1 chapter a day.  After reading a chapter look for what stood out to you.  Ask questions such as what new thing does God want me to learn, are there any promises or blessings from God for me in the passage, how does it apply to my life,  or is there something God is showing me in my life that I shouldn’t do/sin.
After spending time reading and meditating on the scripture spend some time praying which is just talking to God.  One way to stay focused in prayer is to use the ACTS method.
    A -      Acknowledge who God is, praise Him for being all knowing, all powerful, mighty, merciful, loving, the list can go on and on.

   C -    Confess (admit and agree to turn away from  sin in your life. 
    T -  Thank Him.  Thank Him for all of your blessings.  Thank Him that if you have trusted Jesus Christ  as your Savior He freely forgives.  Thank him for how you have seen Him at work in your life and for answered prayer requests.
    S - Supplication meaning pray for the needs of others as well as for yourself.

    For our craft, we combined it with a service project.  Andrea will be going to Jamaica in a few months, where she will be sharing the word of God with young ladies there.  One way she will be reaching out to them is by making bracelets of many colors.  We made kits consisting of beads, string and an info card.  In each kit we placed six different color beads of Black, Red, White, Blue, Green and Gold.  Black represents sin, Red represents the blood of Jesus, white represents cleansed of sin, Blue represents Baptism, Green represents grow spiritually and Gold represents Heaven.  These bracelets will give these girls in Jamaica something that they can wear and always be reminded of the message.
     We ended the meeting with a small group discussion and great conversation.  It was nice to reflect on all of the great Christmas stories and traditions we had heard.  We look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting on January 28th!!!  From all of us here at MOPS of Enterprise, We with you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November: Safety 101

 With the holidays being a busy and crazy time of year, this month was the perfect month to have a Safety 101 day.  To start things off we had a little purse scavenger hunt, finding items that could be used for something other than its intended purpose. Our ladies are super creative.
Next we had two guys from the Enterprise Police Dept Detective's division came to instruct us on self defense and gave us tips on staying "safe" during the holidays. Our ladies grabbed a partner and practiced some of the moves.
Our craft was making "emergency phone # cards" for the fridge.  
Nellie Walter won the "Tastiest Treat" award with her chocolate truffles.  Way to go Nellie!  
There were several brand new ladies this morning.  We were so glad these new ladies joined us in on the fun. 

Our next MOPS will be Friday, December 10th!  Hope to see you then!!!